Thank you to the two people who commented and answered our survey! We know our blogs are getting a bit few and far between, but we still love to hear from all of you! We check for comments often, even though we may not have time to actually write anything new. Whenever there is a new comment we always yell excitedly, "Hey there is a new comment!!!". So please send us some love! Even though we are having a great time over here, we miss all of you very much.
Our private school is on holidays for the next four days. We are heading out to Korea's second biggest island. We are hoping for a combination of sunshine, warm temperatures, and cool beer (well, beer for Brett....none for me thanks...ew. I'm a whisky girl). This four day break is coming at the perfect time as we were starting to feel a bit burnt out. Here is a picture of Brett looking stressed:
We will return on Wednesday with stories to tell and about 1000 photos to share! We wish you were here to come with us!
Completely off topic- I saw a girl this week who was wearing a shirt that said "UNHEALTHY" in big letters across the front! Being in Korea has taught me to never trust those shirts with Asian words on them, because if they are anything like the Korean shirts with English on them, then they are saying nasty or funny things about the people who are wearing them. We have seen some completely shocking things written on shirts here. One said something in graphic language about doing things to women for money. Another very shocking shirt was a picture of a teddy bear that said to do something very rude to the bear's backside. Oh my!
Enjoy your four days of freedom guys. Brett sure looks like he needs it from the picture posted. As for Cindy I am sure she needs it as well because she has to put up with Brett this entire time. Have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't do! Hehehe. Shaun
Sorry I haven't been reading and thus writing. It's not you. Your news hasn't become less interesting. Really, it's me. You know how it is when you just don't see each other often, and well, I guess we have just drifted apart. *sigh* What will it be like when we see each other again? Will the spark come back? I guess that remains to be seen. But, in the interim, live life to the fullest, and if you meet new people, I guess I can't ask you not to have them follow your blog. I mean, of course I would prefer if you didn't, but I know how these things work...
Hehe. Sorry! Work, plus baby, plus on-line course= no life. Leanne can testify to my disappearance. I will catch up on my reading in one week when my course is done! Yahoo!
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