Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Elusive Kookaburra

Since arriving here a few weeks ago, I have been taunted by the elusive Kookaburra.  I could hear it laughing at me from the trees as we went for a walk.  I could hear it laughing at me as I lay in bed in the morning.  I could hear it laughing at me while we picnicked by the ocean.  But, never could I see it.  I had seen many kookaburras during my year living here, but during this visit I just couldn't see any.  Then a few days ago we stopped at a small park by the ocean and there were THREE kookaburras!  The kookaburra is one of my favourite birds.  Its sound is hilarious.  The first time I heard its signature laugh I wondered where the monkey sounds were coming from (I knew monkeys didn't live here).  Finding three in one place was so exciting.  They even let me snap some pics!   Just in case you Canadians haven't heard one before, I've included a clip of one from YouTube.  The pictures are mine! Can you believe how close they let me get?

1 comment:

Corey said...

Wow cool looking bird