Thursday, July 28, 2011

An Active Bub

A few weeks ago, I (Cindy) had to go for an ultra sound. As you ladies know, that involves drinking a whole pool of water, doing the pee pee dance for an hour while the ultra sound people are "running late" (aka chatting to each other and pretending you aren't there) and then eventually praying you don't wee your pants while the ultra sound lady rolls her magic ultra sound wand over your belly. My young ultra sound girl (I swear she was 12 years old) had a form from my doctor requesting certain pictures and measurements. A few minutes into the ultra sound the young technician started laughing and shaking her head. This continued for a while. I thought she would offer an explanation for laughing at my baby....was she/he wearing a clown outfit?......was she/he doing the moonwalk?....was she/he making faces? But no explanation was offered. So I eventually had to ask "What's going on in there?" and in response she turned the screen so I could see the ultra sound. What I saw was this cute wee baby...having a crazy dance party! There were jumps, flips, and wild dancing from one side to to the other. The young tech said it was nearly impossible for her to get the right pictures and measurements with that going on. My thought was how can I not feel that?

This week we visited my doctor for my monthly baby check up. When she tried to listen for the heart beat we heard a little beat beat beat...then static. My doctor moved the listening contraption over, and we again heard a beat beat beat then static. This happened a few times. Then my doctor called the baby "very active" and said it was hard to follow it around. She too had a smile and a chuckle. We smiled and chuckled too. However, the potential future was running through my mind. A very active kid, huh? This kid has to get bigger while we share my body. Oh no. I imagine I am going to get many kicks to the ribs. And later on? All I can picture is us chasing around this wild toddler as they giggle and wildly run and dance around the room getting into everything and crashing into furniture. Perhaps we should start padding all those dangerous pointy corners on tables etc. now!


graeme said...

dont stress, the first 18 years are the worst, then it starts to get better, slowly heheh

sarah said...

i heard that an active baby in the womb means they'll be quite calm out of the womb :) we shall hafta wait and see!!