Friday, July 24, 2009

Baskin Robbins Commercial

Hey everyone!

We thought we would post a commercial for you to see. It points out one of the major differences between Korea and western countries. We have written before about how Koreans will often use a tone that we misinterpret. Well, this commercial is another example of a tone that we had to get used to. To us, this tone sounds like major whining. But we have heard some of the teachers at our school use a similar tone when speaking to parents on the phone. So, it cannot be as bad as we think! When we first got here we would complain to each other about the kids (and adults) "whining" to us all day. But now we are used to it, and we laugh. In this commercial, the girl is clearly not a small child, but she sounds like one. That is common here. You will often here women complaining to their boyfriends/husbands using a similar tone. They even flirt with each other like kids do- hitting, pinching, flicking, pulling hair. We think it is funny.

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