The park offers a variety of trails and as we were both keen to make a day of it we decided on the Mizzy Lake Trail, an 11 km hike through the southern corridor. The guidebook estimates that the hike should take 6 hours. We figured, “We’re pretty fit, we’ll do it in 3 and then go and do some of the other trails before we go home.” It took us 45 minutes to reach the first of thirteen markers placed throughout the trail. Having to stop every 20 meters to take a photograph really slowed us down.
Without exaggerating, there was really that much to see. I have never seen so much LIFE. Everywhere you looked there were birds, dragonflies, colourful fungi, frogs, plants, rocks, lakes and streams. We saw at least 6 beaver dams and lodges, fresh bear poo, two otters and 5 snakes (non-venomous).
The walk was somewhat challenging as it seemed you were either climbing over something or traversing your way through the muddy track. Unfortunately I think we spent more time looking at our feet than at the amazing scenery.
Although the guidebook says the trail is 11km, I estimate with all the jumping around puddles and chasing after frogs we did it would have been closer to 20km. We arrived at the 13th and final post 5 hours and 40 minutes after our departure. Although exhausted, we were thoroughly content and began planning our next trip to Algonquin.
Hi, this is the 'tooth fairy'. Sorry that you have to face disappointment every time you check on your 'comment' bank. It must be soooooo sad having no friends. Truth is, most of us have day jobs that require us to be doing things other than scampering all over the countryside looking for chipmonks and other such furry creatures. Add to that the fact that using'Dial Up' is like watching paint dry and you start to get the picture. Incidently, this tooth fairy happens to know that Brett's mum and dad are alive and well, apart from the usuall colds and dad has a sore throat at the moment. It appears that maybe the teachers are not getting their payrise just yet as the union members have broken ranks and cant agree. That means that the arbitration commission will have to intervene and the poor old teachers could end up worse off. Although I hasten to add that Colin Barnett is indicating that he will 'fix' everything if elected in a couple of weeks. Well I'd like to see that. The toothfairy also happens to know that Julz got burgled on friday evening. Could have been worse, the intruder could have been a nutter or whatever. Anyway, hopefully you are feeling a little more loved now that you have recieved a 'comment'. Take care, love you both.
Sounds like you had fun walking the trails. Not my thing. YUK! Especially frogs double YUK! I see enough wildlife here with all the deer in the bushes.
Aunt Betty
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